Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Evaluation Question 3
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Model: Mursal Butt
Question 3
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
What positive comments your peers, teachers, focus group had about your video?
I had many positive feedbacks from my fellow classmates, teachers and focus group. My peers liked how the whole perception of the music video worked, as well as liking the idea how the video linked with the lyrics telling a sad and emotional journey of a young vulnerable girl. Many of my peers liked the idea of showing the young girls point of view, as this showed a different perspective and made the music video more intriguing. Also, by the use of colour and fades used, this built a real music video convention and created a different atmosphere which made it interesting to watch the music video. My teacher and peers were really pleased with the multiple media products which we created and really liked how the whole idea came through, although within our group we had a few differences but we worked together in order to get the right concept for our music video, digipak and advert (poster).
What negative comments were made by your peers, teachers, and focus groups?
There were a few negative, room for improvement, comments in regards to the music video, for instance, the length of the clip where there is a shot of the mother’s hand applying a plaster on her daughter’s face could be shortened. In addition, the make-up scene towards the end of the music video could also be reduced in length as it consumes a lot time. Instead, after cutting down the clip in the end, there can be another clip added showing a scene where a glass item breaks which signifies the end of the music video. In regards to the digipak and advert there were a few comments made about the font and the use of colour, which could be improved on.
How those comments might change the way you work in the future?
The comments received from my target audience, peers, teachers and focus group allowed me to take into account of what could be changed or improved in order to better my multiple media products in the future. These comments also encouraged me to think of other dynamic and creative ways in furtherance to enhance and excel in the process of creating and presenting my multiple media products in the future. In addition, after taking into consideration the thoughts and comments on my media products, I will use them as guidelines for future reference in the pursuance of creating multiple media products.
What the comments taught you about the process of producing and editing a music video?
The comments collected in relevance to my music video, digipak and advert (poster) taught me a number of things about the process of producing and editing a music video. For instance, the comments from fellow peers and target audience gave me an even further insight to what I could tweak in my music video to their preferences. Whereas, the comments received from my teachers allowed me to better the quality of my music video, in terms of producing and editing my music video. The comments helped me to adapt and gain an understanding of a real music video which allowed me to embed this into my own work; this helped me in the production of my music video. In the process of editing my music video, I found it helpful to frequently ask my peers about what they were prefer in order to keep up with the constantly updating world of my target audience, its genre and subculture. This allowed me to keep up to date with the taste and choice of my target audience.
Audience Feedback Summary
I have gathered all my research and I have come to a conclusion that there was a balance of choices that gave me a great idea of what my target audience liked and disliked. As I look at my audience feedback I can tell that, the public liked my music video and the camera shots implemented including the colour contrast. When I handed out my feedback form to my audience, they liked the flow of the music video and how the whole lyrics linked with the video in order to tell an empowering story. I asked the audience whether they found the digipak eye catching, and according to the feedback from the questionnaire they liked the front cover of my digipak. This was good to know because that’s the way I wanted my digipak to come across, as well as being recognisable in the shops, on iTunes and online.
I wanted to know whether the text and font on my digipak grabbed the audience’s attention, and by looking at my audience feedback you can see that some preferred the text and font and some didn’t as they thought the font should have been bolder and the layout should have been different on the advert (poster) as well as digipak. This allowed me to get a visual idea of what my audience was looking for. The feedback form shows that the audience liked that the images went well with the music video, showing dominance by the male figure in comparison to the female figure. This told me that my music video is telling its story and that it was understood well by my audience. When I did my drafts for my digipak and poster, I wanted to make sure that the colour coordination of the digipak and poster went well and didn't have a variety of colours on it, making it based on just two specific colours to portray the story. The feedback from the audience told me that they liked the colour coordination; and that it reflected really well with the whole concept. This told me that my colour choice for both the digipak and poster wasn't too much for the eye but was just right for the audience.
I wanted my advert (poster) to be great for my target audience, but I wanted to know if the target audience was the right choice for my advert, as my preferred target audience was 18 to 24 years old. So I decided in order to make this advert right for my target audience, I asked the public what they thought and majority of the people had said 18 to 24 year olds, which I personally thought was a reasonable age for my target audience. This made me realise that I needed to make my advert more mature but with a bit of kick to it, to get the viewers engaged.
I didn't want my feedback form to be biased and just based on the positive and so therefore I included questions such as what could be improved, in order to allow me to look at what the audience have to say and what I can do to be able to improve on the negative comments given. I wanted to know what could be improved and by doing my primary research I found that the layout and font/text could be improved, after seeing the outcomes for development, I looked at the result overall and looked at what my target audience wanted and what they liked and disliked and how it could be developed and adapt to their taste. By looking over my research this helped me make few adjustments and rearrangements to my multiple media products.
By looking at my feedback form, it has allowed me to makes changes in a number of ways to enhance my music video, digipak and advert. It has given me a vast idea on what my target audience likes and dislikes as well as what they are looking for. This is useful as well as vital, as it has helped me create my final products. This has allowed me to have a bigger picture of what my audience is looking for. I have taken all the feedback on board and shall adapt this feedback to my work; making my music video, digipak and advert the way my target audience wants it, by taking their thoughts and opinions into consideration to make my final products a great hit overall.
By looking at my feedback form, it has allowed me to makes changes in a number of ways to enhance my music video, digipak and advert. It has given me a vast idea on what my target audience likes and dislikes as well as what they are looking for. This is useful as well as vital, as it has helped me create my final products. This has allowed me to have a bigger picture of what my audience is looking for. I have taken all the feedback on board and shall adapt this feedback to my work; making my music video, digipak and advert the way my target audience wants it, by taking their thoughts and opinions into consideration to make my final products a great hit overall.
Final Focus Group
What I have
learnt from my focus group about my video, is that the music video itself says
a lot about what the message is trying to put across and that was understood
very well by my focus group. I also learnt from my focus group that they all
enjoyed the music video, and were very intrigued in watching further into the
music video to understand the whole story, this was not only shown by the
facial expression but also by the positive comments made. The whole concept of
the multiple media product having a theme, worked out well as my focus group
had mentioned in the video. The whole colour scheme, effects, cuts, costume all
worked and got the point across of what the music video and album may consist
of. It was also said that the cuts, edits and effects used made the whole music
video interesting and left them in suspense and made them want to continue
watching. My focus group gave positive feedbacks about how they liked the
layout of the Digipak and advert, and how the idea of two faces put together
really stood out for them. The focus group loved how the idea of rewinding
captured the characters past came together, as this allowed the target audience
to have an insight of the young girl’s life within in few minutes rather than
going in depth and included the finest details but giving a brief overview.
When my
focus group was asked if they would buy the album, they were all positive about
it and said that overall the album is very good and professional but they
wouldn’t just buy the album because of the packaging. But they did say it’s a
great product and would be eye catching for the target audience, and would
ideally be something the target audience would definitely buy. As well as that
being said, it was also said by the focus group that even if a consumer was not
buying the album it would still be very noticeable if it was in a music store. So
this was a very positive over view of how they liked my music video, Digipak
and video.
When asked
what could have been improved, one individual mentioned that if the music video
had more structure to it. As there were three girls included in the music video
which was a bit confusing and didn’t quiet have a strong storyline, although it
told the story but made the whole storyline confusing with three individual
girls included. By improving this it would be best if we figured out what we
really wanted in our music video, and had a clear storyboard on what the whole
music video will be based on. This also includes if we were prepared and ready
with also props, costume and location making sure we had what we needed and
were ready for every shot that needed to be taken. What also could have been
improved is if we followed the shooting schedule, as that would have helped us
be on target and complete tasks which needed to be done. Lastly it would have
been great if we made a draft of the Digipak and advert of different designs
implemented into it, in order to allow us to see what worked well together and
what didn’t whether this was text, font colour, image and layout.
conclusion, I believe my multiple media products were a success, and received
positive feedback from my focus group and from my audience feedback. I also
think that the whole theme worked well and was praised by my focus group. This
experience in producing a music video, Digipak and advert, has been an eye
opener for me and has allowed me to gain much more skills and abilities from
producing a music video; and being able to use different software’s in order to
give me good professional quality for all three of my products. This has been a
huge learning experience and I hope I am able to adapt these skills in the
Distribution of Roles
This video reviews who was doing what throughout the creation of our multiple media products; music video, digipak, digipak advert. It looks at who was in what role individually and what we completed collectively as a group to construct and produce our final multiple media products. Moreover, the video analyses where we started in terms of which product we started with and at what point we were doing things severally and simultaneously.
Director's Commentary
This is a video discussing our perspectives on the overall final multiple media products; music video, digipak and digiapk advert. This video also looks into how we felt our multiple media products should have been; how we imagined for it to be initially. Also, it focuses on what we edited after receiving feedback form our target audience to suit the preferences our audience.
Production of My Digipak Advert
Final Digipak Advert
This is our final digipak advert. After having decided our digipak advert originally we decided to change a few things around and try and create a digipak from another perspective. In the end we chose this digipak as we thought this well represents the main female character and how she is portrayed in the music video. This final digipak advert also correlates well with the introduction of the music video as it shows a similar image; hence keeping a house style and brand image across our multiple media products.
Process of Producing Digipak Advert
This is a video showing the process of creation of our digipak advert. This video gives the viewers a visual experience on how the digipak advert was created; how each step took place in order to reach the final stage. This also shows how we changed a few things and how we gradually came to create our digipak advert.
Other Possible Digipak Adverts
These are a few possible digipak adverts that we came up with that we thought would be appealing to our target audience. Originally we started off with the idea of the male character looking towards to reader and having the female character looking down. This idea was to emphasise the superiority that the male character had and that the vulnerable, used and abused female character lacked courage and power to defeat the dominant and abusive male. However, after a discussion with our group and having received feedback from our target audience we decided that it would be better to make the female character the main centre of attention yet not overlook the fact that she was a defenceless female character.
Production of My Digipak
Final Digipak
This is the final production of our digipak. These images display the final digipak that we imagined in the beginning, we think that this digipak will target our audience thoroughly as it fits with their description. It is also tailored to their likings as we edited a few things after having received feedback from our audience in order to better our digipak to their preferences.
Process of Producing Digipak
These images show the digipak near to its final stage. At this point all we needed to do was a few things such as including the spine of the digipak and cutting away the unnecessary extra stuff on the edges; to just sharpen the digipak as a whole.
This video shows the progress that we made in creating our digipak. It looks at each process of how our final piece came together. This allows the viewer to also relive the stages of the development of our digipak.
Production and Editing of My Music Video
Final Music Video
This is our final music video. After a few drafts and a lot of editing we created a music video which we felt best represented our target audience and our own personal goal of how the music video was envisaged initially.
Process of Producing Music Video
This is a video to show the process of creating our music video. Initially we had a few different ideas of how we were going to create our music video but in the end we all decided to agree with one concept. This short video shows how the creation of our music video took place.
First Draft of Music Video
This is the first draft our music video. This shows from where we started and how we envisioned our video was to be carried out. Along the way we changed a few things here and there to make sure we were creating what our target audience would of wanted and what we had anticipated from the beginning.
First Draft of Music Video With Text
This video was created to see make our viewers realise the reality of the content that was within our music video. It was also to show that it is not just a music video but it is also the truth as this sort of behaviour takes place across the world. We watch music video to comfort or to be enthralled by the content, but how do we react when the content differs from the common conventions in music video to something that visually illustrates the brutality that takes place worldwide on a day-to-day basis?
Process of Producing Music Video With Text
This is a video to show how the process of the music video with text was created. This short video looks at the ways that we combined the music video with text and how it looked once completed.
In the end after a discussion in our group we collectively decided that it would be better to produce a music video without the text as we felt with text the video will not come across as a music video; instead it will come across more of as a informational video.
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