Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Locations List

The location throughout the music video will be based in the artist’s childhood room, the reason for this is because it emphasises with the lyrics being sung. This is because it is about her mother being abused in her childhood, and so her childhood bedroom portrays this as that is where the whole scene of her being safe was. However, she felt like she was in a cell as she is terrified to leave the room because of her father. The room will have power sockets enough for the lighting and camera and will be made sure to be a safe place to walk around whilst taking shots. To make sure no one trips over the wires, they will be stuck down to prevent any hazard. Not many people will be around the scene where my music will take place, as we are presenting it in a room, therefore, it should be a safe place to not only take shots but for everyone to talk around without any alerts of hazard. Another way to prevent too many people within the scene is to only include the character when needed for the scene if not needed then the character can either wait outside or be called when needed, in order to prevent any trips and falls within the set. This also includes making sure sockets are fitted in properly so that there is no electrical fault. 

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